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Latham B, Reid A, Jackson-Camargo JC, Williams JA, Windmill JFC. 2024 Coupled membranes: a mechanism of frequency filtering and transmission in the field cricket ear evidenced by micro-computed tomography, laser Doppler vibrometry and finite element analysis. J.R. Soc. Interface 21: 20230779.
Dominquez JA, Latham B, Mongui LC, Rossinow A, Xiong Y, Schmidt BV, Vu Q, Torres BL, Henderson PA, Mason AC, Lee N. [Submitted] Resource competition affects the developmental outcome of the acoustic parasitoid fly Ormia ochracea. Current Research in Insect Science.
DÃaz-GarcÃa L, Latham B, Reid A, Windmill J. 2023. Review of the applications of principles of insect hearing to microscale acoustic engineering challenges. Bioinspiration & Biomimetics, 18(5), 051002.
Latham B, Poyade M, Finlay C, Edmond A, McVey M. 2019. New tools in education: development and learning effectiveness of a computer application for use in a university biology curriculum. Springer Nature. Biomedical Visualisation: Volume 2, 29-46.
Invertebrate Sound & Vibration (ISV) Conference 2023, Lincoln, England, UK
14th International Congress of Neuroethology 2022, Lisbon, Portugal
14th SINAPSE (Imaging Network) ASM 2022, Glasgow, Scotland, UK
3rd and 4th Doctoral School Multidisciplinary Symposia (DSMS) 2021 and 2022, University of Strathclyde, Scotland, UK
June 2024
MSc (with Distinction)
in anatomy and visualising imaging datasets
imaging: micro-computed tomography (micro-CT)
laser Doppler vibrometry (LDV)
insect science
insect molecular biology
human anatomy
RNA extraction
RNA interference gene knockdown
real-time quantitative PCR (RT-qPCR)
fly larval development
fluorescence microscopy
finite-element analysis (FEA)
3D-printing (from micro-CT imaging data)
insect dissection
visualising imaging data (CT, MRI, PET)
image analysis
extensive multi-disciplinary teamwork
2020 - present
PhD Electronic & Electrical Engineering, Insect Acoustical Systems, University of Strathclyde
2017 - 2018
MSc Medical Visualisation & Human Anatomy, University of Glasgow & GSA School of Simulation & Visualisation
Volunteer biologist in the Amazon Rainforest
2012 - 2016
BSc (Honours) Biology, University of Aberdeen
Prof. James Windmill
2020 - present
Doctoral work in Prof. Windmill's lab, UK
Insect Biomimetics
'Our research investigates the mechanisms of hearing found in animals, and aims to achieve the level of sophistication, sensitivity and functionality of animal acoustics in engineered systems.'
Prof. Andrew Mason
2023 secondment
UK-Canada Globalink Doctoral Exchange Scheme
Visiting researcher in Prof. Mason's lab, Canada
Invertebrate acoustic & vibrational communication
​'We use invertebrate model systems to identify basic principles of sensory integration of complex stimuli'
Prof. Norman Lee
2023 secondment
UK-Canada Globalink Doctoral Exchange Scheme
Visiting researcher in Prof. Lee's lab, USA
Insect Neural Systems & Behaviour
'Our mission is to understand how the nervous system functions to mediate adaptive behavioural decisions'
Designing an Anatomy computer application
Software: Unity, Language: C#
Co-creator: Y Bande
Finite-element analysis (FEA) of insect ear
Co-authored with Dr Andrew Reid
Software: COMSOL Multiphysics
Cancer segmentation from imaging data
Software: 3D Slicer
micro-CT thickness analysis, insect eardrums
Software: Bruker CT Analyser
Laser Doppler vibrometry (LDV), tympanum
Vibrometer: MSA-100-3D, Polytec
3D-print of an insect's tracheal branches
Printer: Ultimaker 2 Extended
Article on cancer 3D-printing treatment
Anatomy Illustrations
Medium: Ink, paper
3D model of human arm anatomy
Software: Autodesk 3ds Max
Taxonomy Museum Volunteer Worker
Museum: University of Aberdeen
Responsibility: Updating taxonomy boards
Gold Duke of Edinburgh Award
Entomologist living in the Amazon Rainforest
Volunteer research: dung beetle biodiversity
Contact Brendan
University of Strathclyde
Bioacoustics Group
Technology & Innovation Centre
99 George Street
United Kingdom
G1 1RD
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